If your item does not fit as expected and you wish to return it, or if you prefer to exchange and order a different size or model, please follow these steps:
1. Submit return
Enter your order number and the e-mail address you used to place the order in our new digital returns portal. Select the product you want to return and choose the reason for your return. If you are returning an item, the return costs are for the customer. You will receive all the information and your chosen return label via email.
Would you like to exchange?
Then choose a coupon for the refund. You will then receive a free return label from us to return the item and order your new item yourself via the website. This way you will receive your exchange quickly and the return costs are FREE!
2. Packaging your return
After receiving your return label, it is time to pack the package and prepare it for shipment. Pack the items you want to return and make sure old barcodes are not visible on the box by removing the label from the box or bag. Items can only be returned in unworn condition. When returning shoes, they should be sent in original shoe box with bag or shipping bag around it.
If in doubt, please send our customer service team a message and they will be happy to help you.
3. Refund return
After we receive your return, we will process it within 14 days. Rest assured that our team is working hard to get this done for you as quickly as possible. Once your return has been unpacked and processed, you will receive an email from us. Please keep the return slip safe until the return is fully processed and you receive your refund. Once the return has been processed, the purchase amount will be refunded or, if you opted for a coupon, we will send it to you by e-mail.